About us

History of our company

About the RFS

When our company was established in 2018, our main focus and primary goal was to match people looking for work abroad with suitable employers and to search the Hungarian labour market for potential employees for our foreign clients.

Having started my career abroad as an employee myself, I know exactly how difficult it is to find a truly reliable employer abroad. In an unfamiliar field, it is easy to take advantage of poor language skills, inadequate knowledge of labour law and, as a result, to be at a disadvantage in terms of pay, holidays or inadequate employment contracts.

Now, as an entrepreneur, I know that it is often thanks to incorrect foreign companies that workers' confidence wavers, and that honest foreign companies do not necessarily find the right workers for them. As a result, in 2020 our company expanded its profile to include employment advice for people looking for work abroad.

In 2022, we continued to expand, this time adding four new staff in response to increased interest. However, we have been true to our motto from the very beginning: we make it work!

If you're already sure or hesitant, don't wait any longer: contact us on one of our contact numbers and believe us, we'll be with you from the start, whether it's finding the right job or employee, applying for a job, applying for a job or signing a contract. Our role doesn't end on the first day of employment, you can still rely on our expertise if you have any questions.
  • 2018
    When our company was established in 2018, our main focus and primary goal was to match people looking for work abroad with suitable employers and to search the Hungarian labour market for potential employees for our foreign clients.
  • 2020
    In 2020, we expanded our profile to include job counselling for people looking for work abroad.
  • 2022
    In 2022, we continued to expand, this time adding four new staff in response to increased interest.